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Hey there! My name is Emily and I am the human behind The Angelica Galaxy. I was born and raised in Northeast Wisconsin, USA, where I first fell in love with plants and their art and medicine. I followed the path they laid out for me, which brought me to some very interesting parts of the world, and eventually, right back to where this journey started. I now create from the same land that raised me. I live with my family and hundreds of plants who continue to inspire me daily, and I am passionate about sharing them with anyone who feels their magical pull! 


I have had many wonderful teachers and allies that make up the lineage of the knowledge passed down to me that has put me in a place to be able to offer my service to all who can benefit from it. These teachers include all of the plants, trees, fungi, rocks, minerals, and waters that have assisted my journey, especially the ones in the Great Lakes Region. As for human teachers, I give gratitude to all the lovely folks at Herb Pharm in Oregon, Jim McDonald and Carol Laughing Waters of Michigan, The Naturopathic Institute of Therapies and Education, Dolores Cannon, Suzanne Bertolas, and Candace Craw Goldman. 


I choose not to participate in the realm of certificates, academic credits and degrees, and instead I give credit and thanks to those named above, and to all of you who visit my little corner of the internet here and receive what I have to offer. Blessed Be

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